I finally decided to make the big move to Wordpress! I’m so excited about this! You can now find me on there! Come check me out at http://www.healthyhighschooler.wordpress.com!
I'm your average teenage girl. I do my best to make good, healthy choices. Come along for the ride!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Trying it Out Myself
Last night, as I mentioned, I tried making a Raspberry Vinaigrette recipe that I saw on the Today Show. What ended up happening however, was I ended up just mixing ingredients until it tasted perfect :) First thing in the blender were some raspberries. Probably about 1 cup. Then I added 3 tsp. Sesame Seed oil, followed by equal parts of honey, and red wine vinegar. Add a little salt and pepper, and Voila! yumminess!
For breakfast this morning i made a bowl of Harris Teeter brand Apple Cinnamon oatmeal, with some toppings of Craisons, Bear Naked granola. Simple,quick and easy, because I have to get going this morning. I’m off to go get schedule changes at my school. ughh.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tortilla Soup!
Tonight I made Mama Pea’s Tortilla Soup! Can you say yummmmmm? Oh my goodness, it was so good. Thanks Mama Pea for yet another fabulous meal! Other meals from Mama Pea that I have made are her Sesame Lime Sweet Potato Fries with Creamy Hoison Sauce, and her Sloppy Josephine's!
Can’t wait until the new Teen Mom tonight! Any of you Teen Mom fans?!
I’m off to go try to make a Dressing recipe I saw on the Today Show. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Windows Live Writer!
After hearing about it from so many other bloggers, I finally decided to start using Windows Live Writer! So far I REALLY like it! I’m going to try to update the blog more, and really get back into blogging. I love reading blogs, and so It’s time to get into my own little blog- groove :)
My summer so far has been really fun! Filled with tons of friend time, exercising, and fresh fruits and veggies. One of the things I love most about summer is all of the fresh food available!
Have any of you heard about the Asheville Vegfest? I was DYING to go, but I just found out I won’t be able to because I had already agreed to go on my Youth Group’s Rafting trip to Tennessee :( Check them out though, because it seems totally awesome!
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Very Colorful Meal

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Short and Sweet

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Mini Meals!
This morning I had Blueberry Chobani Greek Yogurt, sprinkled with Bear Naked granola. mmm so good!

Lunch today consisted of :

- Two Land O Lakes Colby Jack cheese rectangles
- One Kashi TLC granola bar (My all time favorite!)
- One Zoo Animal Fruit Snacks pouch
- And One Shiny apple
Then I went to track practice. I'm working on being able to run both of my laps completely. Right now I can do it, I just don't feel like I'm running. It's more of a jog.
When I got home I had two more pieces of cheese, One piece of Laffy Taffy, and a small bag of Lays BBQ chips. Not the most nutricious, but very yummy :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Catch Up and P90X
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Smoothie Anyone?

What's in the mix?
- yoplait strawberry yogurt
- 1/2 cup milk
- frozen strawberries
- frozen pineapple
After making my smoothie, I decided this was just not enough :)
So I pulled out a piece of the spicy cornbread from last night. mmm It was even better the second day!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Lazy Day and Good Eats

A Snowy Breakfast